Saturday, May 17, 2008

Forms and Paperwork

I completed the project form, and a rough draft of the IRB form and now I'm waiting on word from Dr. Newberry about if it is okay as is. I also wrote my follow up questions to the research, and the informed consent form, and the principal consent form. I'm wondering if my small school is enough of a sample for this project. There are 20 teachers and I might get participation from only 4 or 5. The district office has expressed an interest in my completed instructional videos to distribute and make available to all new teachers, so I could do a larger survey... but then I'd have to write all those forms again and I'd never be done with the paper in time for ETEC 699 in Winter 2009. I understand why this class is only offered once each year, but I'd be more comfortable if I could stretch this out until the spring... without paying extra of course!! My other concern is that I will have a new principal when school begins again in August. That makes four principals in four years; I hope the new one is okay with my project. My current principal is enrolled at CSUSB in the new education doctorate program and he was very supportive. I'm still tweaking parts of my pre-thesis, and managing to postpone the dreaded bibliography, while I wait for Adobe Captivate to arrive.

1 comment:

Zee M said...

Hi Darlene,

IRB application was pretty intensive. I have not prepared any surveys or forms yet. Did we have to submit those too?